Writing Resolutions for 2019

Let’s Plan for Success in 2019!

By: Loni Cameron

2019 is upon us! The New Year gives us an opportunity for new goals. Iโ€™m not always one for resolutions โ€“ itโ€™s hard to keep those. I prefer goals: reasonable, achievable, and specific goals. In 2018, I completed my first NaNoWriMo, with an almost finished novel Iโ€™m proud of! This was a huge achievement for me. Did I plan to do it? Not really consciously ahead of time. But did it feel good! So, for 2019, I think it is time for me to make some writing goals โ€“ or promises to myself (if you will). With concrete goals (promises) in mind, 2019 can be a year where I can feel accomplished by having some concrete purpose which I can achieve by the end of the year. ย I hope you can make these promises to yourself, too.

  1. Meet other authors/Join a group โ€“ This is one of the best things Iโ€™ve done for myself. I am part of the WCYR, but I also attend other writing groups. I surround myself with like-minded individuals, who share my ups and downs. I support other writers and they support me, including through purchasing their latest release, or bouncing ideas off each other, to working out the flaws in our projects.
  2. Set a Reading Goal โ€“ You canโ€™t write if you donโ€™t read. Itโ€™s that simple.
  3. Try Something New โ€“ Whether it is writing in a new genre, or having a new experience to write about, trying something new is important. I think we can all manage one new thing per year.
  4. Get Words on the Page โ€“ You canโ€™t call yourself a writer if youโ€™re not writing. Get that idea down, even just the bare bones. Donโ€™t let it get lost in the ether. Which leads us to my next resolutionโ€ฆ
  5. Be Okay with Bad Writing โ€“ That NaNo novel Iโ€™m so happy to have worked on, itโ€™s not good. At least not yet. It was difficult, but I had to be okay with writing badly. I put words on the page, which can be then moulded into something better. Turn off your self-editor while working on your first draft. You can fix it later.
  6. Donโ€™t Compare Yourself to Others โ€“ This one is so difficult for most of us. In those writing groups I love so much, I do it. I compare myself and my writing to those around me. I need to stop and so should you. Let’s celebrate ourselves.
  7. Get up! Exercise! โ€“ Writers sit. A lot. We write, we read, we research. These are sitting activities. If weโ€™re feeling particularly languid, they can be lying down activities. Stay healthy, rev up your energy. Go for a walk, go to a yoga class, do Just be sure to have a notebook standing by for when inspiration strikes!
  8. Enter a Contest/Submit Something โ€“ I havenโ€™t done this one in a long time. We canโ€™t move forward in our writing careers if we donโ€™t submit out stories. Itโ€™s scary: you might get rejected. but itโ€™s important. Do it! You might actually win! You might get an honourable mention! And your name is out there!
  9. Have Fun with Your Writingย โ€“ Write about that practical school joker. Write a Harry Potter fan fiction. Write some bad poetry. As long as you enjoy it, it was worth your time. And youโ€™re writing.
  10. You are a Writer, So Own It โ€“ This is another one I have a hard time with. But I shouldnโ€™t. Iโ€™m proud of writing and my wild imagination. You should be, too! Letโ€™s own our voices and get our messages heard!

I hope some of these resolutions/goals/promises speak to you. I hope you can promise yourself a more writerly 2019. Happy New Year!

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MJ Moores
5 years ago

Thanks for the pick-me-up, Loni!