Camp NaNo

Camp NaNo – And So It Begins

Camp NaNoParticipating in Camp NaNo Can Get Your Writing Goals Completed

Camp NaNo is an offshoot of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). But unlike its parent, Camp NaNo only centres on a writing project, not a full blown novel.

It is designed for the novice in mind.  Most participants set word goals from 30 – 1,000,000. Writers can tackle any project they want from novel drafts to rewrites or revisions, poetry, scripts, or short stories. It is all up to you.

But who participates in Camp NaNo? Well, many people do. From around the world, more than 200,000 writers register to complete their project in record time. Having a goal when writing really helps you understand what is needed to succeed in this wonderful life we have chosen. I know setting goals and creating timelines to finish novels helps me get to that last page.

Do you need something like this? Maybe, but only you can decide. See how you answer these questions:

  • I always sit down and finish the amount of writing I want to do each day.
  • I never lack the motivation to finish my writing project.
  • I rarely get side-tracked when writing.
  • I never miss my deadlines.

If you answered no to any of these, then Camp NaNo (and even NaNoWriMo) would be a good fit for you.

Want some support during your goal-striving this month? Like the WCYR’s NaNoWriMo Group and we’ll share in the highs and lows with you 🙂



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