Social Media for Authors

The Importance of Social Media for Authors

By: Loni Cameron

Whether you happen to be in marketing, are an artist, craftsperson or writer, social media is an important tool in today’s world. Writing a book is not exactly a social activity; however, social media gives us a way to build a community of not just followers, but people we can talk with and share our experiences. The November 12th seminar given by the dynamic duo of Angela Misri and Joyce Grant, on behalf of the WCYR, was very informative. They answered a very important question many of us have: “Is social media necessary?” Yes!

When you begin to query agents and publishers, know that they will search for you on the internet. It’s a scary thought. When these  gatekeepers Google your name, make sure YOU are at the top of the search results. It is up to you to manage what they see. Google your name and see what happens.

The key is to make yourself discoverable. Be in control.

Joyce and Angela discussed the different social media platforms and how they can be utilized: not all social media is the same.

Some important points that stayed with me are:

  • Get involved in online writing and reading communities.
  • Use your other interests.
  • Build a community.
  • Be engaged.
  • Most of your social media posts should be about your life.
  • Don’t overthink.

To learn more about Joyce Grant and Angela Misri, and the services they provide, visit their website:

Don’t miss the upcoming events!

The Potluck Social and Open Mic will be on Friday, December 8th at Victoria Hall. Feel free to bring a date. We hope to see you there!

The first meeting of the new year will be a Poetry Workshop with Janette Platana on Sunday, January 14th, 2018 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Newmarket Community Centre.

Member-Only workshop: Revise Like a Pro with Kim McDougall, will be on January 25th, 2018.