Announcing Double-Dog Dare Ya: D.E.M.ON. Tales Book 4 by MJ Moores and Nanci Pattenden

About the Book:

Grounded in Time

When an entire town is locked in déjà vu, the D.E.M.ON. agents are relieved to manage a simple case for a change. That is, until they link the disappearance of two young boys to the time-altering supernatural clouds invading Keswick – and discover the creature at fault.

It’s up to Junior to make a connection with the hormonal teen hatchling to save the kids. But not everyone wants the boys found or the beast banished …

Dive into the fourth installment of D.E.M.ON. tales, where Men in Black meets Supernatural in a tongue-in-cheek blend of action and humour. Double-Dog Dare Ya was released on April 30th.

A bit about MJ and Nanci:

Nanci Pattenden and MJ Moores have been writing critique partners for almost 10 years. They began writing very different genres, Nanci in historical mystery, and MJ in sci-fi / fantasy. But over the years, they rubbed off on each other. But in a good way. Nanci now dabbles in urban fantasy, and MJ has fallen for the Victorian era, writing young adult steampunk.

MJ and Nanci, our former WCYR Board Chair and Secretary respectively, remain very active volunteers for the Writers’ Community of York Region, and when permitted out in public at some future date, will continue to enjoy attending book events to ply their wares.

We thank them for all the work they have done and continue to do for the WCYR and look forward to reading their new novella.

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