NaNoWriMo is Back!

National Novel Writing Month is a celebration for all things writerly.

In honour of NaNoWriMo, the WCYR is holding our “MINI-NANO” again this year. This is an event for anyone who would like to formally make a writing goal, share it with other writers, and get a little help being held accountable in attaining that goal.

Unlike the official NaNoWriMo site, where your goal is already set for you (50,000 words in 30 days), it is our aim to encourage you to chose a realistic goal that pushes your personal writing capacity within those same 30 days.

If you happen to write 1000 words a week already, consider pushing yourself to write 1500 a week (a total of 6000 words in 30 days).


If you have a project you’ve started but needs a kick-in-the-pants (or a new one you’d like to get off the ground), choose a daily goal of 500 words (a total of 15,000 words in 30 days).

NaNoWriMo isn’t for everyone, but the Mini-NaNo could be. 🙂 Consider joining us on our Writing Goals facebook page “Word By Word” as you work toward your personal writing goal in the month of November (and maybe even beyond!). Writers residing in York Region, or are affiliated with our sister groups (WCDR, WCSC, etc.), and GTA writers are welcome to participate.

If you live near Newmarket, we will be having 4 “Write-In” days at local coffee shops where you can come for a free beverage, comradery, and a more social writing space. We will have free draws throughout the month for prizes, and a certificate waiting for you at the end of the month to celebrate all your hard work.

Here’s a video our webmaster put together about last year’s NaNo challenge:

If you’re interested in joining the WCYR in this writerly challenge (be it to help you along on the full NaNo journey of 50K words or your own personal Mini-NaNo challenge), stop on by Word By Word before November 5th to officially announce your word-goal for the month of November.

Happy Writing!