Social Media Super-Chargers with Anne MacLachlan

How to handle social media is something many writers and artists struggle with. Which platforms should be used? How often to post? What kind of content should be created? Our presenter, Anne MacLachlan, simplified these questions for us. There are several things to think about when just starting out. What do you want to communicate? Every writer has a different audience, circumstance, and time commitments. What is your goal? If you answer these questions, you will have a better focus.

Once you are clear about your goal, now what? Anne advised us to be specific and make it measurable and tangible. For example, a tangible goal would be: “I want to have X followers by Y date.” As you start, follow people – authors, agents, editors, bloggers, etc. – along the way, on which ever social media platform(s) you have chosen. Interact. Find the key influences in your genre/industry. Who are your readers? Anne suggested creating a character sketch for your ideal reader. Once you understand who your reader is, you can then determine what platforms you should be on. Will it be Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? Something else? The answer is it’s often a combination. A big consideration is the platforms you are already good at. Even if your readers are on Instagram, if you don’t like taking pictures or making graphics, that might not be the best place for you. Think about what kind of energy you are putting out there, and be deliberate with what you do.

Remember you are also creating an “internet identity” or brand. Be consistent with your profile picture. It should be the same across platforms and on your website. Colours and banners should align. You want your audience to recognize you. Join the community, respond to the people who are engaging with you and be part of the conversation, even if all you can do is one hour a month. Also remember, the internet is forever. Don’t post anything you don’t want future readers, agents, publishers, friends, or family to see. Anne suggested we keep evolving our online strategy, as there are many facets to social media and ways to make them work to our best advantage.

Upcoming Events:

Writing Comedy with Steve Shrott – May 2, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Diving Deep into POV with Kim McDougall – May 27, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (Free for members.)

The Bookshelf – August 21 to 22

York Writers Conference 2021 – October 22 to 23


One response to “Social Media Super-Chargers with Anne MacLachlan”

  1. Allison Avatar

    This was an excellent workshop and this captures it perfectly. Thanks.

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