Membership Perks: Belonging to a Larger World

By: Linda Francis

Did you ever wonder why it’s a great idea to join the Writers’ Community of York Region (WCYR)? Well, there’s a whole list of reasons!

How about: Knowing that you are not alone and that you do belong to a larger world!

We all know what it’s like to be a writer.

We live in our own heads.

We live in our own universes.

We live with our characters, their friends and families.

But who really understands what we go through within our universes, with our characters and their associates?

Well, other WCYR members, that’s who!

We give you the chance to be part of a larger community.

When you join our group you become part of a larger family of like-minded people.

You can attend meetings and workshops. And if you host your own workshop, retreat or seminar we will support you every step of the way.

You have a built-in support group who will celebrate your successes in so many ways!

You published a piece? YAY!

Are you feeling down, ready to give up? That one piece is giving you a hard time? You have a bad case of the writer’s block blues?

You can get the supportive, focused feedback from a team member!

You want some excellent feedback on your work in progress? We have Pen’s n’ Friends to help you along!

You’re at an event promoting your book? Let us come celebrate, and support your success.

Joining our community in a larger universe is a win-win situation.


This is just one way it’s great to be a WCYR member!

Come celebrate with us 🙂