Gearing Up For the York Writers Conference: With Patti M. Hall.

Meet Patti M. Hall!

Let us introduce you to Patti M. Hall, author, ghostwriter, memoir coach, educator, and one of one of the blue pencil editors at the York Writers Conference. Patti’s obsession with memoirs has turned into a massive memoir library. Her own memoir, Loving Large, is being published by Dundurn Press in 2020. As a coach, Patti has helped lead dozens of books towards both traditional and self-publication. Preferring to call it “collaborating,” Patti is available to work with other writers on projects, helping inexperienced writers tell their story.

Highly sought after, we are lucky to have Patti at this year’s YWC. Patti is a keen observer who specializes in “life writing,” contemporary fiction, short fiction, and memoir/creative non-fiction. Please click here to go to the YWC Blue Pencil page and sign up for a personal session with her.

You can fine Patti at, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Goodreads.

Time is running out to register for the York Writer’s Conference. Click here to reserve your spot today!