Emerging from a Rabbit Hole with a Tamed Bunny

by Jeanette Winsor

Sometimes, our stories can be like bunnies. They can hop all over the place and lead us down long winding rabbit holes.  MJ Mooresโ€™ workshop Following Rabbit Holes and Chasing Plot Bunnies had us engaged in activities to help us turn those two dreaded stumbling blocks into a way forward. Have you ever sat at your computer struggling with that logline, or wondering whatโ€™s wrong with a scene, or a section of work in which you feel something is missing?

MJ started out by having us look at our logline. It was toughโ€”but necessary. She suggested that the better we understand the core of our story, the easier it is to chase plot bunniesโ€ฆand we can always go back and massage our logline as we progress. Then, we dove deepโ€”no, not into a rabbit hole, but into a way forward with our work-in-progress.

Using the Socratic method, we engaged in discussions about our โ€˜not-so-greatโ€™ scenes and found solutions to changing and making our work the best it could be. How do you keep your focus and clean up your troublesome scenes? Following MJโ€™s guidelines, it was an easy and effective process, another great resource for our writing toolbox to keep the rabbit holes and plot bunnies in check.

Upcoming Events:

Weโ€™re taking a well-deserved summer break! Events will return on September 24th for our Open House with author Kim McDougall (more details to follow). 

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