Members Perk: Author Promotion at Chapters in 2019!

Have you ever wondered why it’s so awesome to belong to the WCYR?

Well, how about us helping you get your books out to your reading audience?
Here’s another great WCYR perk for 2019. We’re organizing local author promotions at Chapters Newmarket and Chapters Markham. We have a unique opportunity for 10 published WCYR authors to promote their books each day–up to 40 authors over 4 days–with WCYR and Chapters both extensively promoting the event with social media and other tools.
Chapters Newmarket Saturday May 4 and Sunday May 5, 2019 
Chapters Markham Saturday June 8 and Sunday June 9, 2019
But wait!
There’s more! 
You can create a powerful marketing name to promote our event and win a prize. Use your creativity to invent an event name we can make into an effective logo and graphics to promote the event to the public. The prize? In addition to WCYR recognition, you can win a free WCYR monthly meeting. This contest is open to all WCYR members (whether you plan to participate in the Chapters event or not).
These events are a collaboration between Chapters and WCYR to help local authors gain valuable exposure and become more comfortable arranging future Chapters author signing events. WCYR will help participating authors list books with Chapters in all of York Region for these and potential future events. 
Authors will provide books on consignment for the day. Chapters will process all store sales, taking a commission on each book, with payments to individual authors within 60 days of the events. We’ll provide all the details in the coming weeks.

Help us create a catchy, exciting event name!

We are looking for a name that can be developed into a powerful promotion logo.
We’ll choose one name to promote both events. In the event more than one person submits, the selected logo name will be declared the winner.
So, start now!
No artwork is necessary.
We’ll develop a design after we choose a name.
Just send an email message with your creative idea for an event name to Kim McDougall at as soon as possible–but no later than Saturday, December 1, 2019. We’ll announce the winning event name and introduce a logo in early January. Promotion will start soon after!
Keep the May and June event days open.
We’ll announce an author registration process next month with all the details for listing with Chapters, the consignment program details, and everything you’ll want to know to prepare for an exciting Chapters promotional sales event. 
Start creating!


One response to “Members Perk: Author Promotion at Chapters in 2019!”

  1. Don’t you mean Sat. December 1 . 2018? For the next year?

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