Membership Perks: Leading a Workshop

By: Linda Francis

Did you ever wonder why it’s a great idea to join the Writers’ Community of York Region (WCYR)? Well, there’s a whole list of reasons!

How about running a workshop and sharing your expertise and talents, and helping out your fellow authors?

Many of us have a unique talent or skill or expertise. It may be genre-specific. It might be a trick for developing amazing characters or universes. Maybe your setting development is solid.

Well, you can share the “tricks of your trade” with your fellow members who may be struggling in that area.

Does this sound like something that would be awesome to do? We think so! We want to know!

First off, go to the WCYR site and check out the Member Workshop Proposal Information section. The details are all here. If you need clarification after checking out the information here, you can follow up with Kim McDougall.

Once your proposal is submitted, a member-based poll will decide upon your success. If selected, you will earn $75 for a 1.5 hrs (5 min lost with late arrivals, 10 min. break mid-way, and a 15 minute Q&A at end) workshop.

This is a win-win opportunity:

  1. Our members receive a free workshop
  2. The workshop-leader-member gets to practice leading workshops and use this as an industry credential

Note: You do not have to be a published author (or otherwise an industry expert in an area) to give a workshop. We are looking for anyone who feels they’ve learned a lot about a topic, has skill, or great experience, and would like to share what they’ve learned along the way.

It’s all about members helping members.

So if you think this is something you’d like to try, reach out to…. And we’ll help get you started.

This is another great reason  to be a WCYR member!