Poetry Workshop with Janette Platana

 Going with the flow…

By Loni Cameron

Many words flowed at Sunday’s poetry workshop with Janette Platana. After getting to know each other a bit, Janette shared a little about herself – her work, life as a Queen St. Rockstar – and then invited us to ask her any question. Nothing was off limits! Though this process gave us more information about Janette, the questions were also revealing about the people asking them.

Janette helped us grow our poetry organically as a community of writers. After writing to a prompt unique for each of us, everyone read their short piece – be it prose or poetry. From there, titles grew to images, flowing and creating entities on their own. Sunday wasn’t just someone teaching us about poetry, but also a jumping point, bringing us into the process of how to create poetry ourselves. Janette also related the art of poetry to the writing of stories, as it is often the poetry of the story that grabs us. We saw how the words could excite us (as the writer) and the reader. I am eager to bring the poetry into my stories and to work on poems of my own.

Before the workshop, the WCYR Board reminded us of what is coming up:


There is an Open Mic on Sunday January 21st at Covernotes from 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.





Proposals for member-lead workshops are due at the end of the month.




Please check out the new Grants for members — click here for more information.



The WCYR Team is also looking for a volunteer Elections Official for the upcoming Board Member elections in March. This person will report to Nanci Pattenden, Secretary. Prior experience is not necessary. This is not a permanent volunteer position, it would just be for these elections.